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The App is not working or I cannot log into the App?
The App is not working or I cannot log into the App?

The App has stopped working - what do I do now?

Updated over a week ago

If you’re experiencing issues with logging in into our STEPtember App, make sure you have followed all our App troubleshooting steps below:

  1. Ensure you have finalised your STEPtember registration as an App account is only created once you have completed your STEPtember registration.

  2. Check that you have the most up to date STEPtember App. You may need to delete any old STEPtember Apps and reinstall the new app.

    Click here for iOS users

    Click here for Android users

  3. Under Settings, Log out of the app and back in again.

  4. Turn WIFI off and try logging in again.

  5. Triple check you are using the correct email address and password, and ensure spelling is correct (check if CAPS lock is on). Hint: you can click the 'eye' icon to see the password you are typing.

  6. Click 'forgot password' to reset your password via the STEPtember App or website.

Password requirements:

  • minimum 10 characters

  • at least 1 Uppercase

  • at least 1 lowercase

  • at least 1 number

  • at least 1 special character (e.g. $ ! @)

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